четвъртък, 4 април 2019 г.

Стрес? Безпокойство ? Хоровото пеене ги премахва по най-естествения начин

Дрънн…алармата на телефона звъни в 6 без 15…snooze..после пак дрънн….snooze
И ето ви, ставате намръщени от леглото, при това с 30 мин закъснение. Вече е 6 и 15, кафето е на път да изгори гърлото ви, докато го пиете намръщено на големи глътки в опит да се събудите.

Някак успявате да се приготвите и вече тичате към паркинга,  тичешком отключвате колата, палите, газ…и…до ъгъла на улицата, където ви чака разкошно задръстване.
 „Боже, пак ще закъснея“, мислите си ядно и въображението ви услужливо прожектира картини на чакащите ви колеги, шеф (ужас!) или (клиенти – майко мила!)…

Тогава  пускате радиото в колата. Случайно или не, сте хванали станция за класическа музика, Класик ФМ примерно. Заслушвате се. Божествено…
Елегантни хармонии на прелестно втъкани едни в други човешки гласове докосват не само слуха ви, а сякаш обгръщат цялото тяло, достигат някъде навътре, дълбоко в душата откликват като камбанен звън. Хор. Дочувате думите, послания близки и непознати ви водят в свят на безкрайна красота и спокойствие. Все още сте на улицата. Мръднали сте точно 3 метра напред и едва ли скоро ще стигнете до булеварда. Но всичко стана друго. Вече не сте ядосани. Някак вътрешно знаете, че няма да закъснеете все пак, защото Тя, музиката, песента, ви дава спокойствие и увереност, че всичко е наред, всичко е правилно, всичко е във вашите ръце и денят ще бъде чудесен. Чудесен като песента…

Човешките гласове се извисяват и снишават в божествени хармонии. Хорът пее за храм, за вяра и истина, за доброта. Красотата и спокойствието нямат граници.

Без да усетите, вече пристигнахте в офиса и се усмихнахте. Работният ден започна щастливо и обещава да бъде прекрасен!
Хоровото пеене сякаш стопи безпокойството. Искате да чуете още и още. Търсите в Гугъл. Намирате. Ангелските гласове ви канят на концерт!

Това не е измислена история. Хорът и радиото, както и вие, главният герой, са истински.
Концертът „Ангелски Гласове“ и Класик ФМ Радио ви канят да се насладите на прелестните гласове на Българска хорова капела „Георги Робев“ със солисти Деница Серафим и Пламен Папазиков. 

Повече на: https://epaygo.bg/2601078914

петък, 19 май 2017 г.

Celebration of Bulgarian Orthodoxy! Easter live concert in Sofia

Sofia. 2017. "St.Paraskeva" Cathedral, 58 Rakovski Str
The third largest basilica in Sofia, the temple, well known for its best acoustics and unique architecture - "St.Paraskeva" once again hosted admirers from European countries.
Guests from from Austria, Germany and Switzerland were fascinated and touched by tears from the live Easter concert, hold in St.Paraskeva Cathedral.
At the entrance of the temple, outside the temple gate, the guests were welcomed by a girl in a traditional costume who served them a delicious homemade cake ...

Carefully arranged, well-prepared and motivated, the professional singers of the Cathedral choir presented a world-class concert that amazed the audience. Highlights of the program were the chants of the 13th century in Byzantine style, performed by the ethno-vocal Denitsa Seraphim.

The bass-baritones Vassil Antov and Emmanuel Shevkenev (soloists of the Bulgarian National Radio and Sofia Opera House ) presented a repertoire of the great Bulgarian basses Nikola Giuzelev and Boris Christov in a fascinating way, touching the audience.

"Our Father in Heaven", filled with pray from the soprano Stefka Slavcheva was a l peaceful and quiet final of the concerts. And finally in the end - for joy, happiness and blessings - the "Many Years " (“Mnogaya Leta”) song for all those touched and satisfied with the experience guests.
Many thanks to Tour operators and leaders of groups from Bulgaria, Germany and Switzerland for the cooperation to make these concerts a true Celebration of the Bulgarian Orthodoxy!

четвъртък, 27 октомври 2016 г.

Voice of an Angel Album is finished!

Our new cultural project is finished!
The album " Voice of an Angel" with soloist young and successful opera singer Plamen Papazikov.
St.Paraskeva Cathedral's choir with 13 years of history and over 1,000 performances in Bulgaria and abroad!

петък, 22 юли 2016 г.

Unforgedable experience. June 2016.

Last monht we had guests. Very special guests from France.

We felt very happy and honored that we had the chance to show them the real beauty of our cathedral.

We welcomed our guests with traditional Bulgarian 

bread at the entrance of the cathedral

We performed special concert for our guests with 

Slavonic Orthodox Music from Bulgaria, Russia etc. 

Our dear guests were fascinated. 

"Spiritual Light" CD was preferred souvenir. 

With this post we want to thank our guests from France for coming to visit  St. Paraskeva " Cathedral and to hear our live concert. 
May God bless you! 
Welcome back to Bulgaria and visit our new programm in "St. Aleksander Nevsky" Cathedral!

четвъртък, 24 март 2016 г.

Orthodox Music in Sofia. Spiritual Light album.

" Spiritual Light " CD album  brings the grace of the Holy Orthodox Liturgy.

The CD is recorded not in a studio but inside the temple, under the notorious huge dome of the basilica "St. Paraskeva "in Sofia, Bulgaria.

 "Spiritual Light" CD  is facing with great interest of many pilgrims and tourists from all over the world. Connoisseurs from: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Germany, Italy, Canada, Russia, Finland, France, Switzerland are very interested to take our CD home after they have listen to the choir in “St.Paraskeva” cathedral.

"Spiritual Light" is licensed by the Ministry of Culture in Bulgaria, all rights reserved.

e-mail: paraskeva.choir@gmail.com; classical.sofia@gmail.com

How to purchase?
If you send us an e-mail of free request, we could send you an offer with quantity, prices, method of payment and transport costs for 20, 50 and 100 units of “Spiritual Light” CD  to a location you specify. 

сряда, 2 март 2016 г.

Kyrie Eleison 13th century

 “Some peace, being humble, closer to God…I do feel such things while listening to Orthodox chants, they bring me joy or open to nice mild sadness. They are consolatory and consoling”...
Mr. Krasimir Ivantchovski, surveyor

pthoto: St.Paraskeva Cathedral

четвъртък, 25 февруари 2016 г.

The Magnificent golden collection of Christian music from Bulgaria SPIRITUAL LIGHT

What is "Spiritual Light"?

"Spiritual Light" is a special selected collection of Orthodox chants composed from the 13th  up to the 20th century.

The CD includes inspired performances by the professional cathedral choir from "St. Paraskeva " orthodox church in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The choir is one of the first quality vocal ensembles in Bulgaria.

" Spiritual Light " CD  brings the grace of the Holy Orthodox Liturgy.

The CD is recorded not in a studio but inside the temple, under the notorious huge dome of the basilica "St. Paraskeva" in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Spiritual Light CD  is facing with great interest of many pilgrims and tourists from all over the world. Connoisseurs from: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Germany, Italy, Canada, Russia, Finland, France, Switzerland are very interested to take our CD home after they have listen to the choir in “St.Paraskeva” cathedral.

"Spiritual Light" CD is licensed by the Ministry of Culture in Bulgaria, all rights reserved.

How to purchase:
We could send you an offer with quantity, prices, method of payment and transport costs for 20, 50 and 100 units of “Spiritual Light” CD  to a location you specify, please send us an e-mail of free request to: paraskeva.choir@gmail.com.